A study on cassava mosaic begomoviruses was conducted around Yangambi (DR Congo) by sampling 10 different leguminous species with or without symptoms similar to cassava mosaic disease. DNA was isolated to amplify CMBs using primers targeting AC2 and AC4 genes for virus detection by PCR. The results showed a dual infection by ACMV and EACMV in two weed species, Centrosema pubescens and Pueraria javanica, associated with mosaic symptoms. The DNA-A genome component of ACMV and EACMV from the infested weeds was sequenced. Seven ACMV and four EACMV isolates are reported. The major ACMV strains were closely related to ACMV-NGogo, ACMV-IC and ACMV-UGMld, whereas all EACMV strains were closely related to a Uganda variant, the most prevalent virus. This study shows that whiteflies may transmit CMBs to non-cassava plants under high epidemic pressure.