Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC.
Maize near Yangambi, DRC.
Maize near Yangambi, DRC.
Maize near Yangambi, DRC.
Fields in the forest near Yangambi, DRC.
Fields in the forest near Yangambi, DRC.
Fields in the forest near Yangambi, DRC.
Burning fields near Yangambi, DRC.
Burning fields near Yangambi, DRC.
Maize near Yangambi, DRC.
Maize near Yangambi, DRC.
Cassava near Yangambi, DRC.
Rise near Yangambi, DRC.
Maize near Yangambi, DRC.
Maize near Yangambi, DRC.
Maize near Yangambi, DRC.
Home garden near Yangambi, DRC.
Groundnut cultivation near Yangambi, DRC.
Groundnut cultivation near Yangambi, DRC.
Groundnut cultivation near Yangambi, DRC.
Citrus cultivation near Yangambi, DRC.
Pineapple cultivation near Yangambi, DRC.
Pineapple cultivation near Yangambi, DRC.
Maize near Yangambi, DRC.
Cassava near Yangambi, DRC.
Cassava near Yangambi, DRC.
Cassava near Yangambi, DRC.
Maize near Yangambi, DRC.
Fields in the forest near Yangambi, DRC.
Fields in the forest near Yangambi, DRC.
Fields in the forest near Yangambi, DRC.
Fields in the forest near Yangambi, DRC.
Fields bordering the forest near Yangambi, DRC.
Fields bordering the forest near Yangambi, DRC.
Rise near Yangambi, DRC.
Rise near Yangambi, DRC.
Rise near Yangambi, DRC.
Rise near Yangambi, DRC.
Rise near Yangambi, DRC.
Maize near Yangambi, DRC.
Coffee near Yangambi, DRC.
Maize near Yangambi, DRC.
Maize near Yangambi, DRC.
Cassava near Yangambi, DRC.
Deforestation near Weko, DRC.
Deforestation near Weko, DRC.
Deforestation near Weko, DRC.
Deforestation near Weko, DRC.
Deforestation near Lieki, DRC.
Deforestation near Lieki, DRC.
Deforestation near Lieki, DRC.
Deforestation near Lieki, DRC.
Deforestation near Lieki, DRC.
Deforestation near Lieki, DRC.
Deforestation near Lieki, DRC.
Deforestation near Yangambi, DRC.
Deforestation near Yangambi, DRC.
Deforestation near Yangambi, DRC.
Deforestation near Yangambi, DRC.
Deforestation near Yangambi, DRC.
Deforestation near Yangambi, DRC.
Deforestation near Yangambi, DRC.
Deforestation near Yangambi, DRC.
Deforestation near Yangambi, DRC.
Sapelli tree being cut near Yangambi, DRC.
Deforestation near Yangambi, DRC.